Episode 12: Develop a Caregiving Plan That Is Flexible

Caregivers Questions:

Calls this week were received on the website call-in line by caregivers who listen to this podcast.  Listen and hear advice given to callers who have the following concerns/questions:

  •  Wife whose husband just started dialysis has days when he is weak and can not assist much with his care.  Wife has a back injury and desires suggestions on how to help him.

•Daughter who assists mother who has had a stroke, states mother is receiving home health therapy but doesn’t appear to be getting stronger and mother does not feel safe with daughter walking her.  Daughter desires to know what to do.

 • Son, who lives out of town, realizes that his mother is struggling to put his dad’s wheelchair into the car to go on appointments.  Son desires suggestions on options available.

    • Sister, who is primary caregiver for mother, has concerns that her sister who comes from out of town to help, is doing too much for her mother when she helps their mother.  

At the end of this podcast, I will provide some tips on planning your day to decrease injury risks and how to accept help from others.

Disclaimer: The podcast and blog are intended to provide basic information so that you can become a more informed caregiver. The information presented is intended for educational and informational purposes only and is not meant to serve as medical advice or replace consultation with any health care providers you regularly engage with. Transmission or receipt of any of this information is not intended to, and does not, create a therapist-patient relationship. This information is not provided in the course of a therapist-patient relationship and is not intended to constitute medical advice or to substitute for obtaining medical advice from a physician or therapist licensed in the state where your family may reside. We encourage everyone to consult with your physician or therapist to see if they are appropriate and safe for you.


Episode 13: An Open Door Into the Cares of Anita


Episode 11: Caregivers Must Prepare During Hurricane Season